Ask the Blacksmith about the Ingots. Collect the Ingots and give them to him. This will trigger a begar on Algan Street to give you the key to Granny's house later on in the game.

Get a Battle Axe from the Armourer. Give it to Dhobar who will let you pass over the bridge.

Ask the Armourer about the forest. Ask the Barbarian about the spider. Then ask the Armourer about the Inn Keeper.

Go to the Inn Keeper and ask him about Skullbuster and the Alchemist.

Collect all three potions and give them to the Alchemist. Take the Dewas herb and give it to the Inn Keeper. Take the Skullbuster brew from him.

Go to Algan Street and buy the key to Granny's house.

Go to Granny's house and ask her about the Gate Keeper.

Go back to the Inn Keeper and give the Skullbuster brew to the Gate Keeper's brother in room 038. He will then give you the password.

Go back to the start.

Go to the Temple and save the Druid from the Orcs. Then go back to the start to exit the level.


You must collect as much money as possible throughout this level as you will come across 4 bridge Guardians who require 10 gold pieces each.

Keep an eye out for skulls on the floor - they mark the entrances to various paths.

Kill and collect the rabbits - you will need them for the Spider's Glade.

Go and see your Grandfather - you will find him in a tree. Ask him for a password.

After this, go and see Malthar The Mage who lives in a house surrounded by quicksand. Have a word with him and he will then tell you to collect three items - a Unicorn's Horn, some Dragon Bones and a piece of the Mushroom Throne.

As soon as you have these three items, give them to Malthar and he will give you an incantation. He will also tell you to make your way to the stone circle. When you reach the circle, say the incantation and you will then exit the level.


Collect as much food and drink in order to maintain your strenght for the final battle - you will need it.

Find the Library and read one of the books - this will increase your knowledge.

Find the Orc Shamen and kill him - you will then be able to collect the Dagger of Fear.

Go to the cells and free all of the prisoners. One of the prisoners will be Uncle Bob - he will tell you the combination to the lift.

Find the lift and get into it.

Make your way to the Dragon's room. This is where Ebryn's mother, Enywas, lies waiting for the final conflict.

Destroy all of the Dragon's along the way and then drink a strenght potion so that you will have the power to defeat Enywas and thus complete the game.